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MATES in Construction Accredited

office accrediations

Hanlon Plumbing Achieves Office Accreditation from MATES in Construction NZ: A Step Towards Positive Mental Health 

Our Archer's Road office has hit a significant milestone receiving official accreditation from MATES in Construction NZ. This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to promoting positive mental health within our organisation and contributing to the broader mission of reducing the number of deaths caused by suicide in the construction industry.  


Who Are MATES in Construction? 

MATES in Construction is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of construction industry workers. They provide support services and resources aimed at preventing suicide within the sector. MATES in Construction understands the unique challenges that construction workers face, and they are on a mission to make a positive impact on the industry's mental health landscape.  


Our Journey with MATES in Construction 

Our pursuit of office accreditation from MATES in Construction represents a significant step in our commitment to fostering a mentally healthy workplace. This journey began with our support services team participating in a training session customised to increase awareness of suicide and its indicative signs within the construction industry  

The training session offered by MATES in Construction equips our team with essential knowledge and tools to recognise and address mental health issues. By understanding the signs and signals associated with suicide, we can provide timely support and resources to our employees, fostering a caring and compassionate work environment. 


Why It Matters 

Mental Health is an issue that affects a large number of people, and the construction industry is no exception. The demanding nature of the field can put immense pressure on workers, making it essential to prioritise their mental wellbeing. By partnering with MATES in Construction and achieving office accreditation, our team at Hanlon are demonstrating their dedication to the holistic health of our team.  

Additionally, our commitment extends to the broader construction industry. Suicide is a significant concern within the sector, and through our affiliation with MATES in Construction, we aim to contribute to the vital goal of reducing the number of lives lost to suicide among construction workers.  


Moving Forward Together 

Our accreditation from MATES in Construction NZ is not just a certificate on the wall; it signifies a deeper commitment to a culture of care, compassion and support within Hanlon Plumbing. We believe that the mental health of our team is of paramount importance, and we are dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, understood and supported. 

We look forward to continued collaboration with MATES in Construction and are excited to work together in making a positive impact on the mental health landscape of the construction industry. By taking these important steps, we hope to encourage other organisations within the sector to join us in this vital mission.  

At Hanlon Plumbing, we understand that a healthy workforce is a strong workforce, and we're proud to stand with MATES in Construction in our collective effort to make a difference. 

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